ok before anyone gets too worried, it is NOT one of those addictions that are serious nor require medications, support groups or a ten step process, I wont be invited on the Dr. Phil, Oprah or Jerry Springer shows either.
Now that I have set that record straight, my addiction is Raspberry Milano. Ok, one more clarification. It is NOT an infatuation with the one and only Alyssa Milano wearing a raspberry robe, though I could very easily be persuaded to be addicted to her. That would certainly be a more healthy addiction than the one I am about to confess to but she may not agree.

My (newest) addiction is one of the cookie sort, more accurately a Pepperidge Farm cookie called the Raspberry Milano. If you have not tried these, dont ! You too will become addicted very quickly. So I warn you - do not even try them !
The package begs us to "indulge in a little raspberry romance . . . " and continues to tell us to "embrace decadent cravings. Reward yourself. Open . . .Taste . . .Delight"
With a package so enticing it is no wonder that I have this addiction.

If you care to help me with my issue, go buy a package; at least then there will be one less for me to consume. If you dont care to help, leave them on the groceries shelves, I will be around your neighborhood soon enough to but them all and stock my entire home.
If neither of those options appeal to you, just let Alyssa know. She might be the only cure to my addiction.